Healthy IDEAS

(Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors) improves life by:

Screening for symptoms of depression

Educating about the impact of depression

Linking older adults with providers

Empowering older adults to manage their depressive symptoms through an evidence-based program which encourages involvement in meaningful activities.

Assessing progress over several months with in-home one-on-one support

100% Free in-home service for residents of Oneida County 55+

Healthy IDEAS is an evidence based program. It helps older adults gain the knowledge and resources needed to manage symptoms of depression and live life to the fullest. Let us help you feel like yourself again!

To make a confidential appointment please contact Corinne Grems at (315) 337-8230or send an email to:
Funded by the Oneida County Office for the Aging and Continuing Care